News since early… 2020!

Okay guys.

Long story short :

Out of the first confinement, our dojo did well. We were training with masks but had a lot of people coming and participating.

Second confinement however, killed our practice almost completely. Lost almost all our bogu practitioners.

Since I’ve only kept practice running as I could, with a huge lack of motivation and feeling burnt out.

We took a difficult decision : after the end of this season in June, we’re closing the dojo. Without a core of yudansha practitioners, I can’t shoulder the day-to-day responsibilities. I can’t lead the training sessions anymore. It feels like starting all over again and the truth is : I’m spent. I’ve held the dojo together for 11 years but the 2nd and 3rd confinement were my last straw and the final nail in the dojo’s coffin.

So, after June, the couple kyusha that have bogus will transfer with me to the nearest dojo (with which we are on good terms and which has a similar spirit). We have removed one of the two days / week of practice at our dojo so that members can start the transfer process and get acquainted with the other dojo’s members over the couple months that are left this season.

That’s it.

For my part, regarding my kendo practice, it is a decision to fall back, to focus on myself. 5th dan is the next goal and with my professional and family lives I don’t have spoons for much : my weekends are always out of the question and I can only afford training once a week tops. This is my post-covid reality. I have nor the room nor the energy to give to other people in these conditions.

I learned a lot “teaching” and “leading” other practitioners for the past decade but now it’s time for something else. But I won’t quit helping others, as I’ll be a senior member of the dojo I’m joining.

I’ll still help and guide kyusha and lower-dan members but not in an official capacity. It will be natural, spontaneous.

No pressure. No crippling sense of duty.

I’m looking forward to this freedom. I hope that in time it will fill me with motivation again.

Slowly, I’m getting on the dô again.